Your "Maytag repairman" illustration is sooooo apt.

One of my kids at 4 years old went through a period of vehemently insisting he was going to be a bumble bee when he grew up—absolutely refused to believe his scoffing older sibs that it wasn't possible. Fast-foward 20 years and he is now a talented and devoted wildlife photographer.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Gary Lucia

I think that we have a vastly increased acceptance of gender non-conforming behavior--a large percentage of our society no longer discourages girls from wanting to play sports or go to college or be career-minded, for instance, and no longer discourages boys from openly showing kindness and affection through activities like playing with babies or crying with joy when they get a puppy and cradling the puppy with tenderness. We also have an increased acceptance of boys wanting to wear sparkly things (who doesn't like shiny stuff??) and "girly" colors, and girls being "tomboys" and using their bodies actively in play and sports. We need to eradicate words like "girly" and "tomboy", in my opinion. How people have extrapolated those positive human attributes into "she must be a he" or vice versa is beyond me. It's just another form of sexism. If you're a kind, nurturing male you are HUMAN, not a woman. If you're a strong, ambitious woman, you are HUMAN, not a man. Male and female children being multi-faceted humans with a wide range of emotions and drives has nothing to do with gender or sexuality.

Like you said, let kids be kids!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Gary Lucia

Wonderful! Succinct! and True!

Your art is a great addition to the text. Its whimsy supports your ideas in a lighthearted, non-threatening, but irrefutable way.

It's so true what you say. Kids don't known anything, which is what makes them so impressionable, which is why we must be extra careful not to muck around with their precious, burgeoning identities. Leave the kids alone.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Gary Lucia

This should go viral, the simplicity of the fact that children are not sexual beings has been lost in society.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Gary Lucia

Excellent! The "born this way" narrative doesn't even hold water for sexual orientation (LGB or S) anyway, since in studies of twins raised apart (the gold standard because they share identical DNA but different nurture), identical twins are not ALWAYS both heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Though we experience ourselves as "always being that way," clearly we aren't born with an innate sexual orientation. People freak out when this is said!

No one knows how sexuality/sexual orientation is constructed. I'd hoped one day for that research to reveal clues, at least, but it's become so politically incorrect I don't think it will progress that far in my lifetime.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Gary Lucia

I watch in horror at the utter disregard for all the legally obligated safeguarding measures that are being steamrolled over for this ideology. I have relatives in federal law enforcement, and law professionals in Child Safeguarding for Catholic Schools. They’re horrified to see children being subjected to ALL the signs of grooming and abuse in the name of ‘inclusion’. To say the least, Catholics have learned the HARD way what happens when you let sick adults with an inflated sense of importance, and some kind of ‘Virtue shield’ complete, unfettered access children. The amount of sexual and spiritual grooming of whole families and communities is diabolical and THE EXACT SAME THING IS HAPPENING AGAIN with this trans/queer (Ick, I hate calling it that)/pseudo Marxist gnostic movement. Even the covering up by authorities is there to complete the picture.

All I want to do is scream LEARN FROM OUR FUCKING MISTAKES! SEE THOSE VICTIMS! SEE THE RIPPLE EFFECT OF THOSE CRIMES AND COVERUPS TO EVERYONE! Take a good look at yourselves and don’t pretend that you haven’t let a pack of wolves into the hen house because they ‘identify’ as sheep-selves.

Ps, as the mother of a two year old girl FASCINATED by the washing machine that cartoon cracked me up! You captured the ‘stare of awe’ perfectly!

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So true- Thank you so much for this Gary! I love the comics too- brilliant! ❤️

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