May 25, 2023Liked by Gary Lucia

Every time I feel like going to the lesbian bar to meet my friends, and then remember that there are no lesbian bars anymore because they’ve been appropriated by, ahem, queers, I have a little meltdown of sadness and rage.

You’re right on the money, as usual, Gary. Very well analyzed and expressed.

In solidarity,


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I just saw that t-shirt at Target! And I thought to myself: can you imagine seeing a t-shirt at Target that says "Lesbian" (even once?)

No, you cannot. Because being gay or lesbian is as invisible and disliked as ever. Being a straight person with an interesting hair color though--I mean, a "queer"--is fashionable. And we care about who's fashionable, not who's gone through an authentic struggle.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Gary Lucia

Wow, you are so right! I hadn’t thought of this, but YES. Every time someone says they’re “Coming out as LGBTQ” it just further cements that link between the L’s & G’s …. and the other letters which represent mental illness.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Gary Lucia

Your writing is so incredibly powerful because you back up your statements with a clear understanding of why you feel the way you do. It helps me to look at your perspective and see what you are feeling. A couple of other things I find meaningful…yes, you are speaking from your passion in this issue, and you have also become a voice for others who fought the fight. The young people today don’t have that life experience and can benefit from your wisdom and perspective. I feel like as a society we swiftly move through topics without thinking about who is getting hurt in the process. People jump on bandwagons without digging deeper to decide what they’re joining. It’s like they’re using the slogans for their own gain, an image they can’t create in their own merits. Then they’re like, oh shit…is that what the Q meant!?!? You bring clarity to the issues and the history in a way that makes me feel so proud of you. I love you. Keep going….

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Amen! Like, how about target makes some hoodies or whatever that say, “gay, gay, gay,” as well as the other shit. Why the f not? What in the fuuuuck is happening? Thanks for shedding light on the insanity from an angle that has not been reported on.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Gary Lucia

I remember a gay community that would never have put up with this shit.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Gary Lucia

In 1987 a friend of mine struggled to come out to me, to the say the words "I'm gay" she was fighting back tears and her face was bright red. In our art school group, all of our male friends were gay, and half the women, yet it was a deep pain, a terror that she first spoke these words. The TQs are demolishing the autonomy, the personal triumph, of being a woman, a gay woman or a gay man. They are bigots and thieves.

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023Liked by Gary Lucia

Am I ever glad to have found your substack!

I've been out since the early 80s, but today marks my official coming out as queer-critical gay man. It isn't that I've kept my opinions to myself. My husband has been hearing me carp about all things queer for years now. I've been grinding my axe on social media at every opportunity.

The difference between then and now is that I used to think I was the only one, as it were. This is the first platform I've encountered that exists to confront what I'll call the queer problem head on. I see that you are also one of the many thoughtful and informed people not of the MAGA persuasion who are battling gender identity, and for that I am grateful. When I offer criticism of trans ideology I always identify myself as a gay man and Biden voter with the hope that it might cause some liberal readers to think twice before dismissing me as a transphobic monster.

Now, if only it were possible to mobilize the critics of gender identity ideology to give the contemporary cultural manifestations of the word queer the drubbing it deserves!

I hope you will extend charity to the length of my comments under the circumstances. Even so, I’ve left many thoughts unsaid.

Not only am I incensed by the increased acceptance among progressives and "allies" of the term "queer" as a synonym and replacement for the word "gay," I am also critical of the media's indiscriminate embrace of the letters "LGBTQ" and its longer variants. For example, a while ago a woman I took to be a lesbian was appointed to a high academic post in my home town of Portland. The Oregonian newspaper, however, actually referred to her "a LGBTQ individual"! Not a day goes by that I don't read or hear a reference in the media to the "LGBTQ community." What is it going to take to get them to understand that there is a serious and long-standing rift between the LGB and the TQ? Today the divide is wider than ever because gay men and lesbians are increasingly unwilling to remain silent about the excesses of trans activism that affect them directly. Among other things, I have zero tolerance for seeing female-to-male individuals in a state of undress in men’s virtual erotic spaces

As someone once famously said, all politics is local. Hence my first order of business here is to call out Portland State University (PSU) for violating the cardinal progressive principle of inclusivity with its Queer Resource Center. I am a post-bac student at PSU, though I am currently taking a break from my studies. You see, the Queer Resource Center (QRC) acknowledges only two types of constituents: queer and trans. The words "gay" and "lesbian" do not appear in the Queer Resource Center's mission statement. In fact, unless my repeated searches missed it, "gay" appears on the QRC's site only when citing unaffiliated outside organizations' use of the word.

As if that weren't bad enough, the Queer Resource Center's politics are stridently woke. It is expected that a good Portland State University queer will model the values of diversity, inclusion, equity and anti-racism. Its activities calendar is a festival of marginalized racial, ethnic and gender identity groups. You’ll look in vain for a gay men’s board game night.

When I complained to the Queer Resource Center about its erasure of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals, the reply as good as admitted that the queer hegemony was intentional. In any case, they added, everyone there was fine with it. If I didn't like it, well, I could click to the link to the complaint form. Believe me, complain I will.

It is deplorable that PSU’s only official organization for what used to be known as sexual minorities does not recognize the university's gay, lesbians and bisexual students. That the QRC has so thoroughly embraced a leftist ideology is utterly unconscionable. It's as if the Slavic Studies club expected students of the Russian language to support Putin's regime and built its program around that.

Anyone wishing to learn more about Portland State University's Queer Resource Center can visit its site by clicking on this link: https://www.pdx.edu/queer-resource-center/

I look forward to reading the pieces you've written thus far as well as your new work.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Gary Lucia

Because of its relevance, I've decided to link to a post by Canadian gender-critical lesbian feminist, Eva Kurilova. I believe it's a good companion piece to this article analyzing the "Queer" corruption of LGB realities, specifically from the vantage point of lesbians.

I can confirm Ms. Kurilova's perspective from first-hand experience. It's a bummer to have ones primary identities (woman, lesbian, gay) erased in one fell swoop.


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Well said.

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Excellent article!!

Full disclosure...I'm a straight guy and conservative, but not a member of the Uni-party. I'm sure there are other qualifiers, but don't think they are relevant to my question.

Do you (and gay people in your immediate sphere) see the lgbeverything apparatus, as having taken over and subjugated you? I know you alluded to them trying to erase gay...a big part of your identity.

From the outside, it looks like a a group of children's committing patricide. I see this, much like what happened to my Dem friends and acquaintances, who were moderates...yea still too lib for me, but they weren't and aren't zealot radical nut jobs. It's funny to hear them say that AOC, Pelosi and the crazies on the left ARE NOT the party and I wryly smile and say..."THEY ARE...you are the one, that is now on the outside."

I was heartened, when Gays against Groomers drew a line in the sand and said "It's a cult, leave the damn kids alone". I mentioned their stand in a post and expressed my respect and admiration for their courage. Even though I don't subscribe or agree with their lifestyle, they showed that morals and values, were more important, than an expected obligatory - ideological fealty. I'm sure there are other groups out there doing the same, that I am not aware of that deserve the same appreciation.

Back to the premise of my question...Do gay people see this apparatus, like AI, that has turned on you?? If so, why not (and this goes for all groups) cease to feed the monster. Disassociate yourselves from the crazy radicals.

I will say, the myopia, on the outside, where distinguishing the groups under the banner and their individual positions, is improving.

The same goes for the afore mentioned dem friends vs the party and Rep as well. Spotting the normies in the crowd of crazies is getting easier. But it makes me ask, "why are you still in that crowd, you obviously are not crazy like them?

I've always thought the ones who have the most power to stomp out the destructive radicals in their midst, are the very groups that have been taken over. whether it's race, sexual orientation, religion, politics...you name it. I have less effect and voice calling out Al Sharpton's race bating, than anyone in the black community.

The double edge sword of the radicals (name the movement) is that sooner or later they eat those who they professed to represent, on their way to the next movement or cause.

Just curious, what your take on that is.

Thanks again for the post.

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Your quite welcome. She also has her daily podcast on SS. The latest covers this particular topic - great companions for her written material.

Again, incase you are so inclined.


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Gary, not sure if you follow Karly Borysenk's work or substack, but today's post, reminded me of yours and I thought it added a very interesting and valid layer, to your piece here.


Best regards

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